Our Backward Compatibility Promise

Ensuring smooth upgrades of your projects is our first priority. That’s why we promise you backward compatibility (BC) for all minor Symfony releases. You probably recognize this strategy as Semantic Versioning. In short, Semantic Versioning means that only major releases (such as 2.0, 3.0 etc.) are allowed to break backward compatibility. Minor releases (such as 2.5, 2.6 etc.) may introduce new features, but must do so without breaking the existing API of that release branch (2.x in the previous example).


This promise was introduced with Symfony 2.3 and does not apply to previous versions of Symfony.

However, backward compatibility comes in many different flavors. In fact, almost every change that we make to the framework can potentially break an application. For example, if we add a new method to a class, this will break an application which extended this class and added the same method, but with a different method signature.

Also, not every BC break has the same impact on application code. While some BC breaks require you to make significant changes to your classes or your architecture, others are fixed by changing the name of a method.

That’s why we created this page for you. The section “Using Symfony Code” will tell you how you can ensure that your application won’t break completely when upgrading to a newer version of the same major release branch.

The second section, “Working on Symfony Code”, is targeted at Symfony contributors. This section lists detailed rules that every contributor needs to follow to ensure smooth upgrades for our users.


Experimental Features and code marked with the @internal tags are excluded from our Backward Compatibility promise.

Also note that backward compatibility breaks are tolerated if they are required to fix a security issue.

Using Symfony Code

If you are using Symfony in your projects, the following guidelines will help you to ensure smooth upgrades to all future minor releases of your Symfony version.

Using our Interfaces

All interfaces shipped with Symfony can be used in type hints. You can also call any of the methods that they declare. We guarantee that we won’t break code that sticks to these rules.


The exception to this rule are interfaces tagged with @internal. Such interfaces should not be used or implemented.

If you implement an interface, we promise that we won’t ever break your code.

The following table explains in detail which use cases are covered by our backward compatibility promise:

Use Case Backward Compatibility
If you… Then we guarantee BC…
Type hint against the interface Yes
Call a method Yes
If you implement the interface and… Then we guarantee BC…
Implement a method Yes
Add an argument to an implemented method Yes
Add a default value to an argument Yes
Add a return type to an implemented method Yes

Using our Classes

All classes provided by Symfony may be instantiated and accessed through their public methods and properties.


Classes, properties and methods that bear the tag @internal as well as the classes located in the various *\Tests\ namespaces are an exception to this rule. They are meant for internal use only and should not be accessed by your own code.

To be on the safe side, check the following table to know which use cases are covered by our backward compatibility promise:

Use Case Backward Compatibility
If you… Then we guarantee BC…
Type hint against the class Yes
Create a new instance Yes
Extend the class Yes
Access a public property Yes
Call a public method Yes
If you extend the class and… Then we guarantee BC…
Access a protected property Yes
Call a protected method Yes
Override a public property Yes
Override a protected property Yes
Override a public method Yes
Override a protected method Yes
Add a new property No
Add a new method No
Add an argument to an overridden method Yes
Add a default value to an argument Yes
Call a private method (via Reflection) No
Access a private property (via Reflection) No

Using our Traits

All traits provided by Symfony may be used in your classes.


The exception to this rule are traits tagged with @internal. Such traits should not be used.

To be on the safe side, check the following table to know which use cases are covered by our backward compatibility promise:

Use Case Backward Compatibility
If you… Then we guarantee BC…
Use a trait Yes
If you use the trait and… Then we guarantee BC…
Use it to implement an interface Yes
Use it to implement an abstract method Yes
Use it to extend a parent class Yes
Use it to define an abstract class Yes
Use a public, protected or private property Yes
Use a public, protected or private method Yes

Working on Symfony Code

Do you want to help us improve Symfony? That’s great! However, please stick to the rules listed below in order to ensure smooth upgrades for our users.

Changing Interfaces

This table tells you which changes you are allowed to do when working on Symfony’s interfaces:

Type of Change Change Allowed
Remove entirely No
Change name or namespace No
Add parent interface Yes [2]
Remove parent interface No
Add method No
Remove method No
Change name No
Move to parent interface Yes
Add argument without a default value No
Add argument with a default value No
Remove argument No [3]
Add default value to an argument No
Remove default value of an argument No
Add type hint to an argument No
Remove type hint of an argument No
Change argument type No
Add return type No
Remove return type No [9]
Change return type No
Static Methods  
Turn non static into static No
Turn static into non static No
Add constant Yes
Remove constant No
Change value of a constant Yes [1] [5]

Changing Classes

This table tells you which changes you are allowed to do when working on Symfony’s classes:

Type of Change Change Allowed
Remove entirely No
Make final No [6]
Make abstract No
Change name or namespace No
Change parent class Yes [4]
Add interface Yes
Remove interface No
Public Properties  
Add public property Yes
Remove public property No
Reduce visibility No
Move to parent class Yes
Protected Properties  
Add protected property Yes
Remove protected property No [7]
Reduce visibility No [7]
Make public No [7]
Move to parent class Yes
Private Properties  
Add private property Yes
Make public or protected Yes
Remove private property Yes
Add constructor without mandatory arguments Yes [1]
Remove constructor No
Reduce visibility of a public constructor No
Reduce visibility of a protected constructor No [7]
Move to parent class Yes
Add destructor Yes
Remove destructor No
Move to parent class Yes
Public Methods  
Add public method Yes
Remove public method No
Change name No
Reduce visibility No
Make final No [6]
Move to parent class Yes
Add argument without a default value No
Add argument with a default value No [7] [8]
Remove argument No [3]
Add default value to an argument No [7] [8]
Remove default value of an argument No
Add type hint to an argument No [7] [8]
Remove type hint of an argument No [7] [8]
Change argument type No [7] [8]
Add return type No [7] [8]
Remove return type No [7] [8] [9]
Change return type No [7] [8]
Protected Methods  
Add protected method Yes
Remove protected method No [7]
Change name No [7]
Reduce visibility No [7]
Make final No [6]
Make public No [7] [8]
Move to parent class Yes
Add argument without a default value No [7]
Add argument with a default value No [7] [8]
Remove argument No [3]
Add default value to an argument No [7] [8]
Remove default value of an argument No [7]
Add type hint to an argument No [7] [8]
Remove type hint of an argument No [7] [8]
Change argument type No [7] [8]
Add return type No [7] [8]
Remove return type No [7] [8] [9]
Change return type No [7] [8]
Private Methods  
Add private method Yes
Remove private method Yes
Change name Yes
Make public or protected Yes
Add argument without a default value Yes
Add argument with a default value Yes
Remove argument Yes
Add default value to an argument Yes
Remove default value of an argument Yes
Add type hint to an argument Yes
Remove type hint of an argument Yes
Change argument type Yes
Add return type Yes
Remove return type Yes
Change return type Yes
Static Methods and Properties  
Turn non static into static No [7] [8]
Turn static into non static No
Add constant Yes
Remove constant No
Change value of a constant Yes [1] [5]

Changing Traits

This table tells you which changes you are allowed to do when working on Symfony’s traits:

Type of Change Change Allowed
Remove entirely No
Change name or namespace No
Use another trait Yes
Public Properties  
Add public property Yes
Remove public property No
Reduce visibility No
Move to a used trait Yes
Protected Properties  
Add protected property Yes
Remove protected property No
Reduce visibility No
Make public No
Move to a used trait Yes
Private Properties  
Add private property Yes
Remove private property No
Make public or protected Yes
Move to a used trait Yes
Constructors and destructors  
Have constructor or destructor No
Public Methods  
Add public method Yes
Remove public method No
Change name No
Reduce visibility No
Make final No [6]
Move to used trait Yes
Add argument without a default value No
Add argument with a default value No
Remove argument No
Add default value to an argument No
Remove default value of an argument No
Add type hint to an argument No
Remove type hint of an argument No
Change argument type No
Change return type No
Protected Methods  
Add protected method Yes
Remove protected method No
Change name No
Reduce visibility No
Make final No [6]
Make public No [8]
Move to used trait Yes
Add argument without a default value No
Add argument with a default value No
Remove argument No
Add default value to an argument No
Remove default value of an argument No
Add type hint to an argument No
Remove type hint of an argument No
Change argument type No
Change return type No
Private Methods  
Add private method Yes
Remove private method No
Change name No
Make public or protected Yes
Move to used trait Yes
Add argument without a default value No
Add argument with a default value No
Remove argument No
Add default value to an argument No
Remove default value of an argument No
Add type hint to an argument No
Remove type hint of an argument No
Change argument type No
Add return type No
Remove return type No
Change return type No
Static Methods and Properties  
Turn non static into static No
Turn static into non static No
[1](1, 2, 3) Should be avoided. When done, this change must be documented in the UPGRADE file.
[2]The added parent interface must not introduce any new methods that don’t exist in the interface already.
[3](1, 2, 3) Only the last optional argument(s) of a method may be removed, as PHP does not care about additional arguments that you pass to a method.
[4]When changing the parent class, the original parent class must remain an ancestor of the class.
[5](1, 2) The value of a constant may only be changed when the constants aren’t used in configuration (e.g. Yaml and XML files), as these do not support constants and have to hardcode the value. For instance, event name constants can’t change the value without introducing a BC break. Additionally, if a constant will likely be used in objects that are serialized, the value of a constant should not be changed.
[6](1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Allowed using the @final annotation.
[7](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27) Allowed if the class is final. Classes that received the @final annotation after their first release are considered final in their next major version. Changing an argument type is only possible with a parent type. Changing a return type is only possible with a child type.
[8](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) Allowed if the method is final. Methods that received the @final annotation after their first release are considered final in their next major version. Changing an argument type is only possible with a parent type. Changing a return type is only possible with a child type.
[9](1, 2, 3) Allowed for the void return type.